Kids' Giving Program Submissions
December Submissions
Holidays are fun. There’s Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s Day, Lunar New Year, Easter and the like. We also celebrate special days just for fun – like Valentine’s Day … Halloween … Super Bowl Sunday … the World Cup … and so on.
Whatever the occasion, we all have our own way of celebrating. With that in mind, the December & January Giving Program question for kids is:
What are your favorite holidays (or special occasions) and how do you celebrate them?
Bonus points for telling us about (and especially sharing photos of) special celebrations you’ve enjoyed in the past.

Rylee-Rose Sabay (3-5)
My favorite Holiday is Christmas. My mommy usually takes me to old people homes so I can make their days and craft with them, but due to COVID we cannot do that this year, so we are going to drive by them this year and do a mini parade. My mommy has been taking me to them since I was born. She says that people in those homes are old and cannot take care of themselves and rarely have visitors, so we spend our Christmas with them in the morning. I also love Christmas because I love Santa. Santa is a good guy and brings presents to all good kids. He is the best and leaves me presents. My mommy lets me open one present on Christmas Eve and then the rest of my presents on Christmas day. I love to open presents even if I get paper cuts.

Noel Wong (3-5)
My favorite occasion is my birthday! I have been looking forward to this day and been reminding my mom that I want a Baby Shark cake for my 3rd birthday celebration. My family gathered and sang me a happy birthday song, I was so happy!

Addisyn Binney (6-8)
My favorite holiday is Christmas because I get lots of presents. Also, I like it because my sisters come home from college. We celebrate Christmas on Christmas morning, but we get to unwrap one present the night before which is always pajamas. I am always the first one to wake up on Christmas morning, but we have to wait to open the presents until mom and dad have their coffee.
Santiago Malavet (9-11)

Shi Heng Neo (9-11)
My favorite holiday is Christmas! I will receive presents which are surprises to me. I enjoy unwrapping the presents and finding out which toy it is. I also enjoy decorating the Christmas tree! I also enjoy looking at the beautiful decorations and lights put up along the streets.

Yi En Neo (6-8)
Christmas is my favorite holiday! I like it because I have new presents which I enjoy unwrapping to find out what I received. Usually, we go for a staycation or holidays during Christmas time. I think it is fun to go to new places and try new things. This photo was taken when we were having holiday in Thailand last year.

Abigayl Van Zyl (12-14)
My favourite holiday has to be Christmas! On Christmas Day we go to church and I love hearing about the true meaning of Christmas. I just love spending time with family and opening presents. I also love the delicious meals we have, especially Mom's leg of lamb and potato pie. This year my Daddy made his own Christmas lights for the outside of our house and love hearing the music and seeing the lights. For me, Christmas is the best time of year.
Lyndi Hollinger (12-14)
What are your favorite holidays (or special occasions) and how do you celebrate them? Probably Memorial day and Labor Day because we get to go up north and spend the weekend with family and friends. We will have a potluck on May 30, 2021 and September 5, 2021. Me and my cousins like to go on trail rides with our horses, those two weekends are probably the best weekends out of the year.
As part of our 100th anniversary celebration, we launched the Giving Program to help people in need worldwide. In total, the Giving Program raised $52,000 USD for the Red Cross, building on the company’s $100,000 donation in 2020.