
The Elements of Governance
At Wilbur-Ellis, our Code of Conduct outlines the elements of effective Governance.
Anti-Corruption and Bribery
Wilbur-Ellis shall not engage in corruption, extortion, embezzlement, or bribery. Wilbur-Ellis shall comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and applicable international anti-corruption conventions.
Wilbur-Ellis is committed to dealing both lawfully and ethically with all of its suppliers, customers, and other parties. Wilbur-Ellis shall comply with the antitrust laws of every jurisdiction in which Wilbur-Ellis does business. Every employee of Wilbur-Ellis is responsible for compliance with the antitrust laws.
Wilbur-Ellis shall establish guidelines and procedures to enable the reporting and investigation of any fraudulent activities or misconduct. Wilbur-Ellis shall encourage and facilitate fraud awareness throughout the enterprise and continue its strong commitment to prevention, detection, and correction of fraud misconduct.
Conflict of Interests
Wilbur-Ellis employees shall carry out their professional responsibilities with integrity and with a duty of loyalty to Wilbur-Ellis. Employees shall avoid any situation that involves a possible conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest between their personal interests and the interests of Wilbur-Ellis.
Responsible Sourcing
Wilbur-Ellis shall integrate social, environmental, and governance criteria in its sourcing decisions to promote sustainability objectives in the supply chain.
Customer Data Security
Wilbur-Ellis shall protect and safeguard all non-public information related to its customers and suppliers. Wilbur-Ellis shall manage technology and implement guidelines and procedures in a manner that safeguards all such information.
Product Quality
Wilbur-Ellis shall apply effective measures to ensure that its products meet agreed specifications.
Customer Health and Safety
Wilbur-Ellis shall provide products and services that are safe and do not carry unacceptable levels of risks when used in compliance with their labels and other written instructions.

You can read about how we’re putting our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment into action as part of our support for the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.