Fish jumping.

IDEAS Blog |

Continuing our Heritage in Aquaculture with Expertise, Dedication and Strong Relationships

Since opening our doors nearly a century ago, our expertise in the aquaculture industry has been a crucial piece of Wilbur-Ellis’ DNA.

A lot has changed for the $230 billion global industry[1] since that starting point in 1921. As global ecosystems shift, so do trends and breeding grounds for the fish consumers have come to expect from their favorite brands. Fishing conditions vary every year, but recent changes have led to more extreme fishing situations while hunting for ingredient consistency requires a new approach. It demands insights and industry knowledge that only come for strong, varied, global relationships.

Now, more important than ever, customers need a partner like Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition who understands industry challenges and has the relationships to mitigate them.

Our business has grown and advanced over the years bringing together partners and suppliers across the globe to ensure we consistently provide the highest quality products. We understand the difficulties of worrying about marketing, managing unexpected costs and distribution problems as a supplier. By leveraging our expertise, we help our suppliers focus on the end goal; getting their product to market.

For our customers, our promise is simple; We stand behind our commitment to be the most reliable source of supply and deliver on our promise no matter the current state of the industry. And, we strive every day to bring creative and innovative solutions to solve our customers’ business needs.

Are you interested in learning more about Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition’s offerings? Visit our website and connect with our team to learn how we can help with your aquaculture needs.

This article originally appeared on the Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition website.


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