Helping in Times of Trouble
100 Years and Growing: 100 Years and Innovating | 100 Years and Giving | 100 Years and Evolving

On Dec. 26, 2004, a devastating earthquake (over 9.0 in magnitude) and tsunami in the Indian Ocean caused massive destruction in Asia, including countries where Connell does business.
In response, Wilbur-Ellis provided over half a million dollars for disaster relief through contributions in Thailand, India, Malaysia and Indonesia; donations made through the Asia Foundation; and a matching program, in which every dollar contributed by employees was matched 100 percent by the company, benefitting the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.
At left, Mike Wilbur, then country manager of Connell in Thailand and now President and CEO of Cavallo Ventures, Inc., presented a check to a representative for the Princess of Thailand to assist the Red Cross in that country.
Wilbur-Ellis CEO Herb Tully wrote in WilCon Trader: “Although we cannot always prevent natural disasters and accidents, we can take heart in the knowledge that people pull together to assist each other in times of need. I am very grateful that, at Wilbur-Ellis, we have so many kind and generous employees who will step forward and help when the need is there.”